On Thursday morning, WNDU reported an emergency call about a house engulfed in flames in Indiana. Emily Winterrowd, the homeowner's daughter-in-law, described the panic of the moment, with smoke and visible flames coming from the residence. Inside were an 8 year old girl, her babysitter, and their beloved dog Cain, who was three years old. Despite the conditions, the firefighters managed to extinguish the fire, safely evacuate everyone from the home, and rescue Cain. Winterrowd recounted how everything around Cain's location had been consumed by flames during the incident. The rescuers rushed him to an emergency clinic, where they administered oxygen to help him breathe. Unfortunately, the family was later faced with the difficult decision to have Cain put down.
The family sadly shared the news on Saturday that Cain had not been able to survive his injuries. Winterrowd, with a heavy heart, described the sight of an animal struggling to breathe as truly distressing. The family further mentioned that the painful decision had to be made due to the presence of fluids in his lungs and his difficulty in breathing despite being provided with oxygen. Winterrowd informed us that her 8 year old cousin and the babysitter are doing well, having managed to escape the fire. To help cover the expenses, the family has set up a page for support.